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The Best Pagefreezer Alternatives for Compliance and eDiscovery

Pagefreezer is an archiving solution for web-based content, including social media, websites, and collaboration tools. Pagefreezer supports eDiscovery and investigation workflows by making data from multiple digital sources accessible for centralized search from a secure archive that supports regulatory compliance and records retention requirements.

Businesses choose Pagefreezer for its real-time archiving capabilities and litigation holds, case matter management, and defensible exports for eDiscovery practitioners. However, Pagefreezer may not be the best solution for every organization. This post discusses Pagefreezer’s capabilities, shortcoming, and alternatives so you can make an informed choice about the right product for your needs.


How Pagefreezer Falls Short as a Compliance and eDiscovery Solution 

Pagefreezer is a robust archiving solution that creates a real-time record of a wide range of digital content. This makes Pagefreezer invaluable for regulated organizations and those in the public sector that must comply with FOIA requests. However, Pagefreezer’s search and eDiscovery capabilities may not match its archiving solutions in functionality and useability.

When conducting eDiscovery in Pagefreezer, searches are limited to custodian, potentially producing massive and irrelevant data sets. Additionally further refinements, such as sentiment analysis, are rule-based, which may produce more false positives than competitive solutions that use NLP AI to search data in context.

Other shortfalls of Pagefreezer include:

  • Lack of bidirectional data management
  • Limited monitoring rule customizations
  • Long timescales for populating search results

Finally, some users note that Pagefreezer’s archiving service can fail without notifying them, leading to critical gaps in their records.


“Sometimes I will log in and see that one of the platforms that were not being set up for archiving has not been archived.”

“Too-frequent changes in social media platforms requirements can interrupt social media capture on Pagefreezer. Resolving those changes can be confusing and time-consuming."

“Performing a search on the archived data can be time-consuming and will sometimes time out.”

Pagefreezer Competitors for Compliance and eDiscovery

Pagefreezer Alternative: Aware

Aware’s AI platform ingests a real-time record of collaboration messages across multiple platforms into a secure, search-ready archive that powers compliance, legal, and HR workflows.

Legal and HR teams can perform eDiscovery and internal investigations into their collaboration data using fast, federated search with AI-powered filters that refine results for quicker time to context. Industry-leading NLP further enhances search results to surface the full context while reducing false positives.

Aware further supports compliance with real-time monitoring and remediation that connects to existing workflows to reduce operational lift. Proprietary AI models normalized for each organization’s unique digital environment enable compliance adherence with both regulatory requirements and internal acceptable use policies. Additionally, Aware’s models can detect proprietary and sensitive company-owned data that rules-based models cannot.

While Pagefreezer offers a wider range of data sources for archiving, Aware’s real-time compliance monitoring and federated search capabilities provide greater levels of control and make data more accessible for departments across the organization.

Using Aware, companies can:

  • Consolidate collaboration management in a single, secure platform
  • Deploy bidirectional data controls to expedite records retention compliance
  • Secure valuable data against insider threats, both malicious and accidental

Learn More

Aware for Sensitive Data Protection

Safeguard your intellectual property with a platform that detects and addresses exposure of sensitive data in real time.

Aware for Compliance Monitoring

Address multiple risks simultaneously with real-time compliance monitoring and information governance that produces fewer false positives.

Aware for Human Risk Management

Tackle insider threats head-on with AI-powered detection of code, passwords, phishing links and more.

Pagefreezer Alternative: Hanzo

Hanzo is a dynamic data discovery solution that can ingest data from multiple sources, including webpages, social media, and collaboration tools, in response to eDiscovery and forensic investigations. Additionally, Hanzo Chronicle provides archiving for compliance.

Like Logikcull, Hanzo does not automatically ingest search-ready data for eDiscovery applications. Instead, it uses AI-powered dynamic mapping to identify relevant data in place before ingestion. This can limit results data sets but comes at the expense of time and risks potential spoliation before data can be captured.

Reviewers note the “complexity of the user interface” when onboarding Hanzo, and some feel that its platform lacks the functionality required to be a complete solution for either archiving or eDiscovery.

Pagefreezer Alternative: Logikcull

Logikcull is a legal holds and eDiscovery software. While Logikcull, like Pagefreezer, ingests data into a central archive and makes it accessible for eDiscovery, Logikcull does not offer continuous data capture. Instead, it performs ad-hoc uploads in response to specific queries, which can slow investigation times and potentially lead to spoliation.

Businesses appreciate Logikcull’s ability to deduplicate data, reducing results volume and expediting search. However, the recent acquisition of Logikcull by Reveal has raised questions about the ownership and handling of data it ingests. Additionally, some reviewers note that Logikcull’s pricing structure can lead to higher costs for long-term projects that need to be kept active.

Learn more about Logikcull capabilities and alternatives. 

Pagefreezer Alternative: Onna

Onna is another Reveal-acquired eDiscovery platform, offering search and information governance for a range of collaboration and cloud storage solutions. Onna enables organizations to consolidate search into multiple complex data sets from a single location.

However, unlike Pagefreezer, Onna batch-ingests data, which can create gaps in the searchable archive. This methodology can also lead to conflicting results for the same search if run at different times when data has been introduced or deleted.

Finally, some reviewers feel that Onna’s searches are “painfully long,” and Onna’s per-TB data storage costs can quickly add up for large volume organizations.

Learn more about Onna capabilities and alternatives. 

Pagefreezer Alternative: Smarsh

Smarsh offers archiving and compliance for collaboration, social media, websites, and email. Smarsh enables data ingestion from multiple sources into a centralized archive, protected by ethical walls that prevent cross-department visibility. While Smarsh serves organizations in all sectors, its solutions are particularly tailored toward the financial sector, and organizations outside of FinServ may find this restrictive.

Smarsh’s legal collection is limited to batch ingestion, and its monitoring capabilities are keyword-based, both methods that are potentially problematic and outpaced by competitors offering best-in-class real-time ingestion and AI-powered monitoring. Reviewers also note that Smarsh’s billing is “confusing” and if you want the product to work, “you gotta pay extra.”

Learn more about Smarsh capabilities and alternatives.

Final thoughts

When considering Pagefreezer alternatives for compliance and eDiscovery, it’s important to ask several key questions:

  • Does the solution offer real-time ingestion, or is it limited to ad-hoc or batch capture?
  • Can it deliver AI-powered results filtering to reduce manual search time?
  • Can the product connect to existing workflows, or does it require additional lift?
  • How does the pricing structure align with anticipated usage and budget?

By considering each compliance and eDiscovery platform in relation to your specific needs and being proactive about understanding how data is captured, archived, and accessed, legal and compliance teams can make an informed decision about the right software to meet their needs.