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by Aware

First Published Dec. 2023. Updated Mar. 2024. Meta Workplace is shutting down on August 31, 2025. Learn what you can do to prepare for a successful transition. Understanding how employees …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceWorkplace from Meta ESN

by Aware

Employee engagement surveys are valuable tools for understanding the mood of your workplace, but they only measure a single point in time. Using Slack, today’s leaders can take a continuous …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceSlack Messaging

by Aware

Aware unlocks the next level of AI powered, real-time understanding of employees, turning unstructured human-generated text into actionable insights with the launch of Aware’s Generative AI Summaries within Spotlight Custom Reporting. Get started …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceArtificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

by Aware

The concept of the workplace has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past few years. The traditional brick-and-mortar office is no longer the sole hub of productivity. Instead, organizations are …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceEnterprise Collaboration

by Aware

Employee feedback is critical for any organization, but employees are often reluctant to provide candid opinions that leaders need to make informed decisions. Now innovative executives are looking outside the …

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Topics:Employee Experience

by Aware

Annual and pulse engagement surveys are a critical component of any organization’s feedback and employee listening strategy, but getting actionable, authentic results from surveys is still a challenge. Using Aware’s …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceArtificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

by Aware

First Published Sept. 2023. Updated Mar. 2024. You people are talking. Is your organization listening? The Voice of the Employee is the collective feedback, opinions, and sentiment of your workforce …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceEnterprise Collaboration

by Aware

Understanding the drivers behind frontline employee turnover has challenged retailers for years. Using Aware, industry leaders are now hearing what their people think for the first time. Getting authentic feedback …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceEnterprise Collaboration

by Aware

Employee retention rates remain historically low for companies in the service and hospitality industries. But high turnover on the frontline isn’t inevitable. The Aware Workplace Trends Report reveals the real …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceEnterprise Collaboration

by Aware

Over 150,000 Anonymous Employee Conversations Analyzed Revealing the Impact of Customer Clashes and the Undervalued Voice of the Frontline Worker. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Aug. 17, 2023—Aware, the AI Data Platform powering …

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Topics:Employee ExperiencePress ReleaseEnterprise Collaboration

by Aware

Aware Future of Work Research Series The Retail Workplace Trends Report: What Frontline Workers Care About Retail turnover hasn’t dropped below 60% in years. Many studies have sought to understand …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceArtificial Intelligence/Machine LearningPress Release

by Aware

Today’s world—and workforce—is increasingly diverse and multicultural, from globally distributed teams to employees on the frontline. The drive to better understand the needs of diverse groups, coupled with emerging demand …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceArtificial Intelligence/Machine LearningEnterprise CollaborationProduct Release