For IT & Collaboration Owners
Deliver safe, secure collaboration while satisfying the needs of stakeholders across the business

For Security
Improve your risk posture with a purpose-built solution for collaboration

For Legal
Scale, orchestrate and streamline your eDiscovery process for employee collaboration
For Compliance
Establish a proactive approach to collaboration compliance and information governance

For Employee Experience
Harness insights from surveys and collaboration data to transform the employee experience

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The Human Behavior Risk Analysis

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Our Platform

Contextual Intelligence Platform

Aware is a contextual intelligence platform that identifies and reduces risk, strengthens security and compliance, and uncovers real-time business insights from digital conversations at scale.

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Our Applications


Protect your data and your people with complete, real-time visibility and centralized control of collaboration.

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Data Management

Take centralized control and make smarter decisions about what to keep and what to purge.

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Search & Discover

AI-powered universal search purpose-built for collaboration. Find information and surfaces the full story—faster.

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Automatically capture authentic human signals from modern collaboration to support your most valuable asset.

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What's in your data?

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About Aware

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Driving customer value, together

Press Releases

Digital workplace news and insights


How Aware customers streamline operations, reduce risk, and boost productivity


Data security partners & certifications


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10 Reasons Why Aware is a Top Place to Work

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How Aware customers streamline operations, reduce risk, and boost productivity

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Events, Webinars & more

Upcoming Events

Bringing the future of work to your organization is no small undertaking—don't do it alone.


Summer 2024 • TBD

Live Product Showcase: Data Privacy

See how Aware is advancing AI adoption with best-in- class privacy features.  We’ll cover the product capabilities that are keeping both your data and employees safe while meeting even the most stringent privacy requirements. In this showcase we will discuss:

  1. Controlling Visibility to Data and Insights
  2. Protecting Employee Privacy
  3. Collaboration Data Security
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Summer 2024 • TBD

New York Dinner

RSVP to join the waitlist for an intimate evening of dinner and conversation with leading executives from across the Fortune 500. Learn how organizations are using their collaboration data to uncover risks and opportunities with purpose-built AI. By registering, you are being added to our waitlist for review. Once you are confirmed, a calendar invite will be sent securing your place.

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Summer 2024 • TBD

Workplace from Meta Dinner Series: Chicago

RSVP to join the waitlist for a gathering of Workplace customers to learn how companies are implementing modern employee communication and content moderation strategies for the benefit of the entire company.  Aware will share how the platform is helping Workplace customers to satisfy compliance monitoring requirements, enforce Acceptable Use policies and keep a pulse on the key topics and sentiment throughout their organization.  

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Summer 2024 • TBD

Workplace from Meta Dinner Series: San Francisco

RSVP to join the waitlist for a gathering of Workplace customers to learn how companies are implementing modern employee communication and content moderation strategies for the benefit of the entire company.  Aware will share how the platform is helping Workplace customers to satisfy compliance monitoring requirements, enforce Acceptable Use policies and keep a pulse on the key topics and sentiment throughout their organization

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