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DLP, Security, and Compliance Monitoring for Workvivo 

Workvivo by Zoom is a leading employee experience platform that combines enterprise social networking with the communications and analytics tools that HR and People leaders need to support their company culture and drive success across large frontlines. Aware empowers organizations to adopt Workvivo by providing the data loss prevention, information security, and compliance controls necessary to safeguard valuable business data, removing risk and delivering insights into the subjects that employees care about most. 

Safeguard your data with 24/7 AI-powered automations that ingest and analyze Workvivo messages in real time, securing your data around the clock. 

Keep Workvivo compliant using compliance automations that support all major legislation, including HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA/CPRA, FINRA, and more. 

Power legal and security workflows and get to the heart of internal investigations with fast, federated search and fully contextualized results. 

Mitigate human risks by identifying phishing URLs, unusual activity, and toxic messages to defend against negligent and malicious insider threats.  


Aware's Workvivo  Capabilities

Sensitive data protection for Workvivo 

Surface instances of sensitive data sharing in Workvivo using Aware’s proprietary AI/ML models that detect more risks with fewer false positives. 

Data loss prevention 

Prevent data exfiltration in real time with accurate, automated alerts purpose-built for this data set. 

Sensitive information sharing 

Coach employees on best practices whenever sensitive data sharing is detected, mitigating the risk of valuable data proliferating in Workvivo. 

Password detection 

Stop password sharing in its tracks to protect all your tools and systems with Aware’s AI/ML models, the first to detect passwords in collaboration data. 

Real-time compliance monitoring for Workvivo 

Reduce the risk of fines, penalties, and regulatory action with compliance monitoring workflows unique to your organization. 

Data retention and preservation 

Set granular data retention policies to preserve critical data according to business or regulatory requirements and purge bloated data sets for improved data management. 

Acceptable use policy enforcement 

Automatically enforce acceptable use policies in Workvivo with always-on automations customized for your organization that take corrective action in real time. 

HIPAA compliance 

Secure protected health information (PHI) and personally identifying information (PII) in Workvivo to maintain HIPAA compliance in chats. 

Defend against human risks in Workvivo 

Insider threat detection 

Reduce the risk of insider threat incidents—negligent and malicious—by proactively identifying unusual or unauthorized behavior in Workvivo. 

Phishing links and scams 

Use Aware’s link reputation scoring models to quickly identify and mitigate fraudulent, malicious, or hijacked links and coach employees in real time on how to spot risks. 

Crisis management 

Guide your employees through difficult times and improve top-down messaging with continuous insights into and trending themes and topics complete with sentiment analysis. 

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What are the benefits of using a Workvivo DLP, security, and compliance monitoring solution?

Employee experience and collaboration platforms like Workvivo are powerful tools for supporting employees, giving businesses a central hub to communicate top-down messaging, onboard new employees, and store important company information. However, these tools are also filled with risk because of the real-time nature of collaboration.  

Employees can send, edit, and delete messages, upload files and attachments, and use non-language features like emojis, reactions, and gifs, exponentially increasing the complexity of finding and managing unauthorized sensitive data sharing. Tools like Aware support data loss prevention, information security, and compliance in Workvivo, enabling businesses to reap the benefits of the employee experience platform while mitigating its risks. 

What are the features to look for when exploring a Workvivo DLP, security and compliance monitoring solution?

To adequately secure a real-time platform like Workvivo, a DLP, security, and compliance monitoring solution must also work in real time, ingesting, analyzing, and responding to messages as they are sent. Batch ingestion simply doesn’t cut it when an employee can send a file and delete the evidence in a second. 

Legacy DLP and compliance tools also struggle to manage the complex structure of this data set. Public and private channels, direct messages, and threaded conversations all contribute to larger, less structured data, and businesses need safeguard solutions that understand and can normalize this data set to close security gaps. Ideally, the solution will also have NLP capabilities trained on short-form messages to better understand the context of communications and reduce false positive alerts. 

How does a Workvivo DLP, security and compliance monitoring solution integrate with existing IT infrastructure?

Any new data security and compliance solution should be evaluated in relation to the entire tech stack, not just the tool it is designed to secure. Integration with existing workflows is key if the solution is to ease the burden of securing Workvivo data, not add to it. Additional features to consider include integrations with other collaboration tools for centralized management, customized policies and workflows that focus on the risks most relevant to your organization, and if the solution can connect seamlessly to Workvivo without impacting the end user experience. 

Is Workvivo secure?

Workvivo implements robust security measures to protect customer data and ensure the security of its services. These include data encryption in transit and at rest, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and SOC 2 security certification. With the right policies and user configurations, Workvivo supports compliance with major legislation such as GDPR and HIPAA. However, Workvivo only has limited capabilities to safeguard against malicious, negligent, or unauthorized user behavior within its platform. 

How does Workvivo ensure data security and compliance within its platform?

Workvivo takes several steps to protect user data and support compliance within its platform. As a Zoom company, Workvivo prioritizes security and is ISO 27001 and SOC 2 certified. Workvivo also performs regular vulnerability scanning and penetration testing to ensure the platform is as secure as possible from hackers and external actors. 

How does Workvivo ensure data compliance?

Workvivo gives organizations the controls they need to manage compliance with major legislation within the platform while meeting its obligation as a data processor as outlined by HIPAA and similar legislation. The Workvivo platform is used by organizations in many regulated industries, including healthcare, government, and financial. 

How does Aware support Data Loss Prevention (DLP) in Workvivo?

Aware supports DLP in Workvivo by ingesting and analyzing messages in real time to identify unauthorized or suspicious activity as it occurs. Using Aware, businesses can understand how their data flows and mitigate risks using smart automations that can notify stakeholders, coach employees, and retain a complete, contextual record of policy violations to better understand the who, what, where, when, how, and why of data risk incidents. 

How does Aware support employee engagement in Workvivo?

Aware uses proprietary natural language processing (NLP) technology that has been proven to outperform Meta, Microsoft, and Google for sentiment analysis. Using this technology, organizations can visualize fluctuations in employee sentiment at scale in the moment, helping Comms and People leaders better understand the topics and themes that drive the most engagement. Using Aware’s real-time sentiment analysis, organizations can improve company messaging, stay ahead of sources of toxicity and negativity, and improve employee engagement across the digital workplace. 

What personal data can Aware identify in collaboration messages?

Aware’s AI/ML models can identify a wide range of sensitive and personal information, including PII and PHI, as well as company IP and more. Aware’s models use a combination of regular expressions (RegEx), Boolean logic (and/or/not), and keywords, along with contextual analysis backed by our NLP technology, to surface more instances of sensitive data sharing with fewer false positives. 

Does Aware support other collaboration tools as well as Workvivo?

Aware supports all major collaboration and employee experience platforms, including Workvivo, Zoom, Microsoft Viva Engage (Yammer), Teams, and Outlook, Slack, and Workplace from Meta. The Aware platform connects seamlessly to collaboration tools via APIs and webhooks with no IT lift required and no impact on end user experience. Using Aware, security and compliance officers can unify data governance across their entire tech stack from a centralized platform that integrates with existing workflows for faster, more effective control.